Freitag, 16. September 2011

Class 4 - Week 12 - Progress Reel

Hey Guys,

week 12 is nearly over, can't believe that class 4 is done. Only two classes left and only one new shot to come. I encoded my current progress reel which I will upload on my website after the monologue is finished in a few weeks. I will also post it here when its done. I already tried to set up some lights for the scene to make a simple rendering :)
During the break I will work on a personal project. Another monologue line where my goal is to animate out of one major pose. Hopefully I'll get the shot done for CTN but who knows how exhausting class 5 is going to be. 
I hope you like my work from class four and hope that you will stop by when the next term is going to start. Have a great week 

Cheers Matthias

Sonntag, 11. September 2011

Class 4 - Week 11

Hey Guys,

here is my final animation, for this week at least. I've got some awesome notes from my buddies at AM.
Hope you like the shot, I can't wait to add the facial animation in the next class. My Progress-Reel will be up next week.


Sonntag, 4. September 2011

Class 4 - Week 10

Hey Everyone,

here is my more refined shot from last week. I tweaked the hands and fingers more and also added more eye movements. 
Also the "surprised" hand pose is done for this week. 
Next week will be the last polishing week for the shot and than in a few weeks we will start to add some facial animation. Hope you like the shot

Cheers Matthias