This week is all about drunken guys. I can say that I never watched so many drunken people in my life then in this week.
I chose the drunken stumble assignment and had to get some reference for that.
First I tried to act drunk and record it. After nearly 2 hours of "acting" I ended with nothing. All takes had more of an acting drunk than this being drunk feeling. I started to watch a lot of youtube videos and found some good references. I tried to work with them but I couldn't get the animation the way I wanted it to be.
The solution for me was, to start from scratch and build my animation pose after pose.
This went surprisingly well and with a lot of feedback the story was becoming better.
The only part were I was not sure about was the ending. I had one ending were the character slips on a wet spot and than would fall down. The other one was that he would fall over his own feet. Asking a few people about their opinion I got a mix of answers back. I also asked in three Q&A's about the ending and got always different answers. So I decided to go with the shorter ending which for me has a better rhythm for the animation. I hope my mentor will see it the same way :)
So here is the blocking, have fun